(left : with honey and melissa essential oil ; right : with rosehip powder and sweet almond oil)
super thanks to some of my friends, who knew about my soapmaking ventures and have generously donated their spare mother's milk for the production of these moisturising mother's milk marseilles.

marseille soap or savon de marseille is a traditional soap made in Marseille, France about 600 years ago. marseilles contain at least 72% of olive oil, making the soap very moisturising and emollient on the skin. unlike 100% olive soaps, they are harder in texture and therefore more long-lasting and easier to handle.
from the 2 batches of mother's milk, i have created 2 kinds of milk marseilles:
melissa honey
melissa essential oil has a nice, lemony, honey-sweet scent, and is known to treat allergies, insect bites. it is also said to heal depression and inspires love and joy. honey was added in the soapmaking process for its obvious benefits to the skin.
rosehip almond
rosehip powder is added to the top layer of the soap. it is rich in vitamin C and is one of the richest plant sources. sweet almond oil is used in the superfatting process, which has fast penetrating and skin-softening properties.

i cannot tell you how great these soaps are. i have customers who told me they work wonders on their babies who are suffering from eczema. mother's milk is one of the most natural ingredients and is full of vitamins, enzymes and nutritions.
for one reason or another, i will not be puting these up in the shop. do let me know if you are interested to purchase. i also take custom orders from breast-feeding mothers.